Mr Gomez Circunegui was found by Argentine officials and taken to hospital in San Juan |
A Uruguayan man who went missing in May while trying to cross the Andes mountains from Chile to Argentina has been found alive, officials say. Raul Fernando Gomez Circunegui, 58, got lost in snowstorms after his motorbike broke down. He was found in a mountain shelter at an altitude of more than 2,800m (9,300ft) by Argentine officials. Mr Gomez survived by eating leftover supplies in the shelter and whatever else he could catch, including rats. He has been taken to hospital in an emaciated and dehydrated state, but is expected to make a full recovery. Argentine officials from the north-western province of San Juan stumbled across Mr Gomez after arriving in the area near the shelter by helicopter to record snow levels. An enfeebled Mr Gomez was able to open the shelter's door and alert the crew to his presence. "The truth is that this is a miracle. We still can't believe it," San Juan Governor Jose Luis Gioja told the local Diario de Cuyo newspaper. "We let him talk to his wife, his mother and his daughter... I asked him: 'Are you a believer?' He told me, 'no, but now I am.'" He is reported to have lost 20kg (44lb) during the ordeal and is dehydrated, according to media reports. A doctor who examined him was surprised by his resilience, according to Uruguayan newspaper El Pais. "He's a patient with high blood pressure, a history of smoking and signs of undernourishment," the doctor was quoted as saying. "But he's going to be fine and in a few days we're going to discharge him." Members of a Uruguayan rugby team famously survived sub-zero Andean temperatures for 72 days in 1972 by eating the bodies of other plane crash victims. They were travelling from Montevideo to Santiago to play against against a local team when their plane crashed. Sixteen of the 45 passengers survived. They were located after two passengers took a chance and left on a 10-day trek. They were spotted by a farmer who alerted the emergency services. |
據英國廣播公司9月9日報道,一名烏拉圭男子5月在安第斯山的暴風雪中迷路,在求生意志的支撐下,他吃下一切能吃的東西,包括老鼠,苦撐四個月后終于在9月8日奇跡般地獲救了。 現年58歲的勞爾?費爾南多?戈麥斯?齊爾庫納吉5月騎摩托車從智利出發,試圖穿越安第斯山脈抵達阿根廷。不幸的是,他的摩托車拋錨了,不久他也在暴風雪中迷失了方向。 接下來的日子里,戈麥斯依靠可以吃的一切東西活了下來,糖、葡萄干,“饑不擇食”的他甚至吃下了老鼠。 阿根廷圣胡安省的官員意外地在海拔2800多米處的棚子里發現了他,當時他們正乘直升機在附近測量積雪。虛弱的戈麥斯打開棚子的門,發出了求救信號。 圣胡安省省長何塞?路易斯?焦亞告訴當地媒體:“這真是一個奇跡,我們仍然難以置信。我們讓他跟他的妻子、母親和女兒通了話。” 據當地媒體報道,由于艱苦的環境和脫水癥狀,戈麥斯的體重減了20公斤。他已經被送往醫院接受治療,其主治醫生為他的頑強生存感到震驚。“他患有高血壓,并且有吸煙史和營養不良跡象,但是他會好起來的,再過幾天我們就會讓他出院。” 1972年,烏拉圭橄欖球隊成員所乘飛機失事,在零攝氏度以下的安第斯山被困了72天,他們通過吃其他遇難者的尸體活了下來。 相關閱讀 (玉潔 編輯:信蓮) |