Billionaire investor George Soros and girlfriend Tamiko Bolton are pictured at Soros' residence in Southampton, New York August 11, 2012.(Agencies) |
Billionaire investor George Soros had a lot to celebrate on Saturday evening: his 82nd birthday and the engagement to his much younger girlfriend, Tamiko Bolton. Soros and Bolton, who met in the spring of 2008, formally announced their engagement at a party at Soros' summer home in Southampton, New York, attended by a small group of friends and relatives, according to a person familiar with the investor. Soros proposed to Bolton, 40, a few weeks ago during a weekend visit to the Hamptons, a beachside colony on Long Island frequented by New York's wealthy. For Soros, this will be his third marriage and the second for Bolton, who was married briefly in the 1990s. Soros has five children from his previous marriages. Last year, Adriana Ferreyr, a former girlfriend of Soros, filed a lawsuit alleging he had reneged on a promise to buy her an apartment. Soros has filed a pending motion to dismiss the suit by the former Brazilian soap opera star. Ferreyr's attorney, Robert Hantman, said: "I wish him the best of luck on his marriage, and now that he doesn't need the apartment, hopefully the case can be resolved." Soros, who is an active contributor to politically liberal causes and frequently speaks on world economic events, converted his hedge fund into a family office in 2011 and stopped managing money for outside investors. Soros rose to fame and fortune two decades ago on a now-historic trade, in which he took on the Bank of England and shrewdly wagered on a devaluation of the British pound. Bolton, who once started an Internet-based dietary supplement business and is now running a web-based yoga education business, has a master's degree in business from the University of Miami. The engagement ring Soros gave Bolton, according to a person close to him, is a Graff diamond in a platinum setting on a rose gold band. (Read by Rosie Tuck. Rosie Tuck is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
億萬富翁、投資家喬治?索羅斯上周六慶祝82歲生日時,宣布將迎娶比自己年輕很多的女友多美子-博爾頓。 索羅斯與博爾頓于2008年春天相識。據與索羅斯相熟人士的消息,二人近日在紐約南安普敦避暑寓所舉行生日派對時,向出席的少數親友公布了訂婚喜訊。 幾周前,在某個周末的漢普頓之旅時,索羅斯向40歲的博爾頓求婚。紐約的富豪們經常到海邊度假勝地長島漢普頓游玩。 這是索羅斯的第三次婚姻,也是博爾頓的第二次婚姻。博爾頓在上世紀90年代有過一段短暫婚史。索羅斯之前有五名子女。 去年,索羅斯的前女友阿德里安娜?費雷拉控告索羅斯違反承諾,沒有送她一套公寓。索羅斯正申請停止訴訟。費雷拉是巴西的一名肥皂劇女星。 費雷拉的律師羅伯特-亨特曼說:“我祝他婚姻幸福,現在看來他不需要這套公寓了,希望案子能盡快了結。” 索羅斯積極支持政治自由主義,頻繁發表有關全球經濟事件的言論。他在2011年將旗下對沖基金轉作家族基金,也不再為外部投資者進行資金管理。 20年前,索羅斯向英格蘭銀行發起了挑戰,精明地押注英鎊貶值,攫取了巨額財富,也因此聲名大振。這在現今來看也堪稱歷史上很著名的一次交易行為。 博爾頓擁有邁阿密大學商科碩士學位,曾在網上銷售膳食補充劑,現在經營一家網絡瑜伽培訓機構。 據索羅斯身邊的人傳出消息,訂婚戒指是一枚格拉夫鉆戒,鉆石鑲在白金戒托上,戒圈為玫瑰金。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: frequent: 常到,常去 renege: 食言 hedge fund: 對沖基金 take on: 挑戰,同……較量 wager on: 押(賭注),同……打賭 dietary supplement: 膳食補充劑 |