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青少年網絡搜索 “性”主題最熱
Sex, hot online search topic for children: Norton

[ 2009-12-18 15:27]     字號 [] [] []  
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據網絡安全公司諾頓近期公布的數據顯示,“性”主題是2009年里青少年在線搜索最熱的主題之一。諾頓的統計數據顯示,本年度18歲以下青少年網絡搜索最熱關鍵詞前三位是YouTube、Google和 Facebook,而“色情”和“性”則緊隨其后,躋身前五。這一結果為家長敲響了警鐘,提醒家長除了要留意孩子上網瀏覽的內容是否適宜,還應該采取一些技術手段限制不適宜的內容進入孩子的電腦。

青少年網絡搜索 “性”主題最熱

青少年網絡搜索 “性”主題最熱

Sex was a hot online search topic for children in 2009, according to findings released by Internet security specialty firm Norton.

Sex was a hot online search topic for children in 2009, according to findings released by Internet security specialty firm Norton.

While the top three search terms for Internet users under the age of 18 were YouTube, Google, and Facebook, the words "porn" and "sex" took the next two positions, based on data from Symantec-owned Norton.

"These terms should raise a red flag to parents if they haven't had 'The Talk' with their children about content that may not be appropriate for kids," Symantec said in a release.

Boys' top 25 searches centered on social networking, games, shopping, and "adult terms," according to Norton.

Girls were also interested in online social networking websites, but their top 25 searches leaned more toward music, movies, celebrities, and television shows.

The findings were derived from 14.6 million searches conducted between February 2 and December 4 by users of a free OnlineFamily.Norton service that parents can use to filter or monitor their children's Internet use.

"When it comes to online threats, parents need to be concerned about more than just their child running into inappropriate content," said Norton Internet safety advocate Marian Merritt.

"What makes OnlineFamily.Norton unique is that it gives parents insight into kids' online activities and what interests them most so that parents can ensure they have a discussion with them about topics they're curious about, as well as protect them from cyberthreats."



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青少年網絡搜索 “性”主題最熱

(中國日報網英語點津 Helen 編輯)





