These days, more small-chested ladies seem to be openly celebrating their look on Twitter, Facebook and various blogs.( |
It is commonly assumed that small-chested women feel that nature’s lottery has left them coming up short. The parade of heaving bosoms in Victoria’s Secret catalogs not only suggests that bigger is better but also that supersizing with a push-up bra is universally desired. Wrong, says Ellen Shing, the owner of Lula Lu, a Web site and boutique in San Mateo, Calif., that cater to AAA- to A-cup sizes. She says that while a small number of her customers come in looking for padded bras and tell her, “Make me as big as you can,” the majority “don’t want to supersize themselves.” Those customers “are happy with their bodies,” said Ms. Shing, 42. Elisabeth Dale (formerly Squires), who wrote “Boobs: A Guide to Your Girls,” there has been “a huge surge in Web sites and online retailers that specialize in smaller bra sizes in a very empowering way,” like “They are not about ‘Here’s how you stuff your bra,’ ” she added. “They are like, ‘The way you are is perfect, and here’s how I can help you.’ ” These days, more small-chested ladies seem to be openly celebrating their look on Twitter, Facebook and various blogs. More than 2,300 people joined another Facebook group to declare “flat chested girls are prettier!!” In recent years, as people’s weight has ballooned, breasts (mostly made up of fat) have only gotten larger, too. K-cups now exist. Brandishing a tiny bosom may be a reaction to that trend. Sabrina Lightbourn, 37, a photographer in Nassau, the Bahamas, never second-guessed her A-cups, even in a land of bikinis. “In my mind, they are fabulous,” she said. Sometimes, she favors down-to-the-sternum cuts that make it “really obvious that you don’t have much.”, pronounced LAY-leed, offers come-hither wireless lingerie for $46 to $72 and a healthy dollop of self-love. Women who wear A-cup bras, the site points out, “do not experience pain from running or dancing, they can sleep on their stomachs, and best of all, sagging is minimal compared to larger women.” “We are supplying sexy, chic lingerie for grown-up women, not teenagers, who are proud of what they have and not worried about trying to look bigger,” said Fiona Goad, 44, the managing director at, an English site. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) (Agencies) |
人們通常認為平胸女把這個“短處”視為自己天生運氣不好。“維多利亞的秘密”內衣品牌貨單上的諸多襯墊文胸不僅表明胸越大越好,還體現出人們普遍期望用托高型文胸使胸部看起來更豐滿。 加州圣馬特奧市Lula Lu網站和精品店的店主艾倫?程卻否定了上述觀點。該店向客戶提供特小號AAA罩杯到A罩杯大小的胸罩。她表示盡管有為數不多的顧客來買襯墊文胸,并且告訴她,“讓胸部越大越好”,但大多數顧客“并不想使胸部變大。” 42歲的程女士稱,這些顧客“對自己的胸型很滿意。” 《乳房:女孩指南》的作者伊麗莎白?戴爾(曾名伊麗莎白?斯科爾斯)說:“專售小號文胸的網站和網絡零售商數量激增,”比如。她補充說:“它們不會教你‘如何墊高胸部’,而是告訴你‘你現在的身材很完美,我只是給你稍加潤色’。” 如今有更多平胸女公開在Twitter, Facebook和各種博客上贊賞自己的形象。超過2300人加入了另一個Facebook小組,她們的口號是“平胸女更漂亮!” 近年來,隨著人們的體重飆升,乳房(主要由脂肪構成)也只大不小,甚至出現了K罩杯。炫耀嬌小的胸部也許正是對這種潮流的回應。 雖然身處“比基尼之都”巴哈馬首都拿騷,但現年37歲的攝影師塞布麗娜?拉伊波恩從不擔心自己是A罩杯。她說:“在我看來,它們非常完美。”她有時還喜歡穿束胸內衣,這樣一來“可以很明顯看出,我就是‘飛機場’。” Lailides.com網站出售一款單價為46美元至72美元的無鋼托誘人內衣,還讓平胸女們自戀了一把。網站稱,穿A罩杯文胸的女性“不論跑步還是跳舞,都不會感到疼痛,甚至可以趴著睡。最妙的是,與胸大的女性相比,胸部下垂不明顯。” 英國LittleWomen.com網站44歲的總經理菲奧納?戈德說,“我們為成年女性,而不是少女提供性感、別致的內衣。她們對自己的胸型感到驕傲,不會為如何讓胸部看起來更大而煩惱。” 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 實習生 秦華江 編輯 Julie) |
Vocabulary: push-up bra: 托高型文胸 brandish: to wave or flourish (a weapon) in a triumphant, threatening, or ostentatious way(炫耀,夸耀) come-hither: inviting or enticing, esp. in a sexually provocative manner; beckoning(誘惑人的,吸引人的) dollop: a small quantity(少量,一定程度) |