Each winner from Friday night's Euromillions draw will scoop £45,570,835.50.(Agencies) |
The two winners who yesterday claimed their half of the £90 million Euromillions jackpot will instantly become as wealthy as Cliff Richard, Jamie Oliver, Jenson Button and Sir Michael Caine. The pair of ticketholders will receive more than £45.5 million each when their tickets have been fully validated. The win is so big that it could earn them around £2 million per year in interest payments alone. But the identities of the pair will not be released until the prizes have been paid out, according to the National Lottery. "We are looking forward to welcoming these ticketholders to our millionaires' club which is already 2,300 strong," a spokesman said. The winning numbers were 11, 19, 34, 43 and 45. The Lucky Star numbers were 5 and 9. Sunday Times Rich List compiler Philip Beresford said this would be the first time a British lottery winner had appeared in the list. He told the reporters: "It's extraordinary that in the years we've had the Lottery we haven't had anyone at this level." Mr Beresford said the winners would be best advised to keep quiet about their good fortune - and try to get themselves sacked from their jobs so as not to rouse suspicion. He said: "If they've got any sense they'll keep very, very quiet about it or go and live in Monaco, where they can afford to, where they'll just be one of 1,000-odd millionaires." As for leaving their jobs he said: "You've got to plan it very carefully and do it over the months. Get yourself sacked, that would be the best way." (Read by Casey Chin. Casey Chin is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 點擊查看更多雙語新聞
“歐洲百萬”彩票昨日開出9000萬英鎊的巨額大獎,兩名幸運中獎者將平分這筆巨款,他們頃刻間就會變得像克利夫?理查德、杰米?奧利弗、簡森?巴頓和邁克爾?凱恩爵士一樣富有。 在所持彩票完全被核后,這兩位中獎者每人將獲得超過4550萬英鎊的獎金。 獎金金額如此龐大,中獎者每年單利息收入就可達約200萬英鎊。 但據國家彩票局的消息,獲獎者的身份要到獎金兌現后才可公開。 一名發言人說:“我們很期待這兩位彩票持有人加入我們的百萬富翁俱樂部,現在這一俱樂部的人數已達2300人。” 在上周五的開獎中,中獎號碼是11,19,34,43和45,幸運星號碼為5和9。 據《星期日泰晤士報》富翁榜編撰人菲利普?貝雷斯福德介紹,這是英國彩票中獎者首次躋身該榜。 他在接受記者采訪時說:“英國兩彩民獲如此大獎,史無前例。” 貝雷斯福德先生說,中獎者最好保持沉默,并設法被解雇,這樣才不會引起懷疑。 他說:“如果他們足夠明智,那么就應該對這筆財富只字不提,或者去摩納哥生活,在那里他們能承受得起高額生活成本,他們只是1000多個百萬富翁中的一個。” 至于離開現在的工作,他建議稱:“必須十分謹慎地計劃并花上幾個月的時間來處理這件事。讓自己被解雇,這將是最好的辦法。” 相關閱讀(英語點津陳丹妮 姍姍編輯) |
Vocabulary: jackpot: a top prize or reward 頭獎,頭彩 Cliff Richard: 克利夫?理查德,英國流行音樂史上最受歡迎和演藝生涯最長的藝人之一,有英國貓王和金童子的美稱。在英國,他有八十多首歌曲進榜的紀錄,其中十首是冠軍曲。1995年,因為音樂上的成就而受勛成為騎士。 Jamie Oliver: 杰米?奧利弗,英國知名廚師。他因擅長使用有機食材,以及幫助改變英國學校中的飲食習慣而為人熟悉。現任歐洲華人餐飲協會榮譽主席。 Jenson Button: 簡森?巴頓,F1賽車手,2009年獲得車手年度總冠軍。 Michael Caine: 邁克爾?凱恩,六十年代末期和七十年代初期世界影壇的風云人物,在1993年因在英國影壇的杰出表現而被授予爵位頭銜。 strong: having a specified number of units or members (兵員、人數)多達……的(She lives in a ten thousand strong Chinese community. 她住在一個足有一萬人的華人社區。) sack: to discharge from employment 開除;解雇(One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness. 一個工人因酗酒被解雇。) |