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China and US 'to work together'

[ 2009-03-13 13:49]     字號 [] [] []  
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China and the United States will work closely together to combat the global economic downturn, the two countries' top diplomats said on Wednesday.

Visiting Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the two nations would continue dialogue and coordination on a wide range of economic issues and pledged to oppose protectionism in any form.

They agreed that their countries have a big part to play in stabilizing the global financial situation, promoting reforms in international financial systems and institutions and helping the world economy get back on its feet as early as possible.

Yang is in the US capital to pave the way for the first meeting between President Hu Jintao and US President Barack Obama at the G20 Summit early next month in London. Yang and his US counterpart described the upcoming meeting as being of great importance to Sino-US relations.

In a meeting with US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, also on Wednesday, Yang said China will work with the US to initiate a high-level strategic economic dialogue as soon as possible.

The world is pinning its hopes on the two countries working together so that the London meeting makes tangible progress and takes concrete steps toward a coordinated global response to stabilize the world's economy and kick-start a recovery, experts have said.

"I think the significant ($586 billion) stimulus that the Chinese have already committed to is a very positive step," said Clinton at the press conference after her meeting with Yang.

The two senior diplomats also exchanged notes on a broad range of issues of mutual concern in what was described as a productive meeting.

On climate change and clean energy, a meeting between the two countries' environment officials is being contemplated.

Also, the two countries will start a new round of anti-terrorism talks this year and resume the dialogue on human rights.

The two countries remain divided on a slew of issues but said they would keep talks going.

Yang asked the US to stop interfering in China's internal affairs such as Tibet, emphasizing that the Tibet issue is a matter of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the recent US statement on Tibet and an anti-China House resolution introduced by some lawmakers on Tibet, he urged Washington to respect Beijing's standpoint and concerns.

"The United States intends to work together with China to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship," Clinton responded, adding that the US wants to work together with China to address common challenges and seize common opportunities.

(英語點津 Helen 編輯)

China and US 'to work together'

About the broadcaster:

China and US 'to work together'Bernice Chan is a foreign expert at China Daily Website. Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Bernice has written for newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong and most recently worked as a broadcaster for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, producing current affairs shows and documentaries.





