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[ 2010-12-21 17:29]     字號 [] [] []  
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Browning: These people are gonna kill us if we don't give them the combination.

Fishcer: They just wanna ransom.

Browning: I heard them. They're gonna lock us in that van, and then drive it into the river.

Fishcer: All right. What is in the safe?

Browning: Something for you. Maurice always said it was his most precious gift to you. A will.

Fishcer: Maurice's will is with Port and Dunn.

Browning: That's an alternate. This would supersede the other if you want it to. It splits up the component businesses of Fischer Morrow. It'd be the end of the entire empire as we know it.

Fishcer: Destroying my whole inheritance? Why would he suggest such a thing?

Browning: I just don't know. Robert He loved you, Robert. In his own way.

Fishcer: In his own way. At the end...he called me in to his deathbed. He could barely speak. But he took the trouble to tell me one last thing. He pulled me close. And I could only make out... one word. "Disappointed."

Ariadne: When were you in limbo? You might have the rest of the team convinced to carry on with this job. But they don't know the truth.

Cobb: Truth? What truth?

Ariadne: The truth that, at any minute, you might bring a freight train through the wall. The truth that Mal is bursting through your subconscious. And the truth that, as we go deeper into Fischer... we're also going deeper into you. And I'm not sure we're gonna like what we find.

Cobb: We were working together. We were exploring the concept of a dream within a dream. I kept pushing things. I wanted to go deeper and deeper. I wanted to go further. I just didn't understand the concept that hours could turn into years down there... that we could get trapped so deep...that when we wound up on the shore of our own subconscious...we lost sight of what was real. We created. We built the world for ourselves. We did that for years. We built our own world.

Ariadne: How long were you stuck there?

Cobb: Something like 50 years.

Ariadne: Jesus. How could you stand it?

Cobb: It wasn't so bad at first, feeling like gods. The problem was knowing that none of it was real. Eventually, it just became impossible for me to live like that.

Ariadne: And what about for her?

Cobb: She had locked something away, something deep inside her. A truth that she had once known, but chose to forget. Limbo became her reality.

Ariadne: What happened when you woke up?

Cobb: Well, to wake up from that after years, after decades...to become old souls thrown back into youth like that? I knew something was wrong with her. She just wouldn't admit it. Eventually, she told me the truth. She was possessed by an idea. This one very simple idea that changed everything. That our world wasn't real. That she needed to wake up to come back to reality...that in order to get back home...we had to kill ourselves.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. combination: 這里指的是保險箱的密碼。

例如:We tried it in every conceivable combination.(我們把能想到的各種密碼都試了一遍。)

2. ransom:贖金。也可以做動詞,表示“贖回”。

例如:They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat.(他們不得不贖回被綁架的外交官。)

3. will: 遺囑。

4. supersede: 代替,取代。

例如:Motorways have largely superseded ordinary roads for long-distance travel.(高速公路多已取代了普通公路。)

5. deathbed:臨終之時,臨死所臥之床。On one's deathbed就是“臨終之時”。

比如:He forgave her on his deathbed.(他在臨終之時原諒了她。)

基督徒臨死前要做deathbed confession(臨終懺悔)

6. take the trouble to: 不厭其煩地做。在這里,小費舍爾的意思是,父親臨終前“還是拼盡力氣,告訴我最后一件事。”

7. limbo: 在影片中指使用強效鎮定劑,而在夢境中死去而掉入的“迷失域”。原意是指“地獄邊境”,或者(尤指因等待他人作決定)“處于不定狀態”。

例如:Management kept her promotion in limbo for months.(有好幾個月領導將她的升遷之事放置一邊。)

8. burst through:推開,撥開,這里指柯布的妻子梅爾在他的夢境里“大爆發”。

9. push: 逼迫,催促。影片中柯布說:I kept pushing things.意思是“我總是太迫切”。例如:He pushed her into making a decision.(他催促她做出決定。)



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