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Alice in wonderland《愛麗絲漫游仙境》精講之三

[ 2010-05-14 15:47]     字號 [] [] []  
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dormouse: Watch what you're doing!

Hatter: It's you!

dormouse: No it's not. The Twisp brought us the wrong Alice.

Hare: It's the wrong Alice?

Hatter: It's Absolutely Alice. You're Absolutely Alice. I'd know you anywhere. I'd know her anywhere! Well, as you can see, we're still having tea. And it's all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return. You're terribly late, you know. Naughty! Well anyway, time to came quite offended has stopped all together. Not a tick off a finger.

Hare: Cup.

Alice: Time can be funny in dreams.

Hatter: Yes, yes, of course, but now you're back, you see. And we need to get on to the FrAbjous Day.

Hare: FrAbjous Day!

Hatter: I've been investigating things that begin with the letter "M". Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

Hare and Dormouse: "Down with the Bloody Big Head"!

Alice: What?

Cheshire cat: "Down with the Bloody Big Head". Bloody Big Head, being The Red Queen.

Hatter: Come, come we simply must commit to the slaying in such. Therefore, is it high time to forgive and forget or forgive and forgive whichever comes first, or is in any case the most convenient, I'm waiting.

Hare: It's ticking, it's ticking again.

Cheshire cat: All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea.

Hatter: The entire world is falling to ruin and poor Chester is off his tea.

Cheshire cat: What happened that day was not... my fault.

Hatter: Oh, dear. Your were out and then to save your own skin. You gutless Scottisch pelgrim juggling slurking urpal slackush scrum Barlemot.

Dormouse: Hatter!

Hatter: Thank you. I′m fine.

Cheshire cat: What's wrong with you, Tarrant? You used to be the light of the party. You used to do the best Futterwacken in all of WitzEnd.

Alice: Futter what?

Dormouse: It's a dance.

Hatter: One day, FrAbjous Day, when the White Queen once again wears the crown. On that day I shall Futterwacken ... vigorously.

Hare: Oh no!

Dormouse: The Knave.

Cheshire cat: Goodbye.

Hatter: Drink this quickly.

Dormouse: Oh, dear.

Alice: Let me out!

Stayne: Well! If it's not my favorite trio of lunatics.

Dormouse: Would you like to join us?

Hare: You're all late for tea!

Stayne: I'm looking the girl called ... Alice.

Hatter: Speaking of the Queen, here's a little song we used to sing in her honour. Twinkle, twinkle little red how I wonder where you′re at.

Stayne: If you're hiding her, you'll lose your heads.

Hatter: Already lost them. All together now!

Hare and Dormouse: Up Above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky . Twinkle, twinkle little Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle,twinkle.

Hatter: Don't be bloody beggin'!

Hare: Would you like some tea?

Stayne: Follow the blood hound.

Dormouse: Sugar?

Stayne: Yes, please. You're all mad !

Hare: Thanks very much.

Dormouse: Pass the scones, please.

Hatter: Try this one for size. I like it!

Dormouse: Good thing the blood hound is one of us, or you'd be...

Alice: What do they want with me?

Hare: Best take her to the White Queen, she'd be safe there!

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. kill time:消磨時間。

例如:To kill time until the exhibition opened, we looked round the shops.(為了消磨時間等待展覽開始,我們逛了逛商場。)

2. not a tick off a finger: 彈指一揮間。瘋帽匠的意思是:“這種磨人的日子終于過去了,彈指一瞬間”。

3. high time: 正是時候,早該。

例如:It is high time he should come to our house for dinner.(已經到了他該上咱家吃晚飯的時候了。)

4. put me off my tea:讓我倒胃口,喝不下茶。Put off一般用來指“推遲,拖延”,在這里表示讓某人“倒盡胃口”。

5. save one's skin: 安然逃脫。也稱為save one's hide/neck,尤指置他人于困境而保全自己的性命,使自己免受懲罰。瘋帽匠是在責罵柴郡貓:“你為了逃命,一溜煙就沒影了。”

下面我們要舉的一個例子雖然沒有生命危險,但是對于一個學生來說也是很重要的事。 我們看看這位學生是怎么說的:

"I was in real trouble last night: I had to type up a term paper to turn in to my English teacher this morning and my typewriter broke down. But the girl next door loaned me her typewriter; she really saved my skin."


6. knave: 這里指紅桃皇后領導的撲克牌士兵。

在紙牌中,knave用來指J。平時我們一般用knave來表示“流氓,無賴”,比如:He is a knave in grain.(他是一個壞透了的人。)

7. trio of lunatics:這里指瘋帽匠、三月兔、睡鼠組成的“瘋子三人組”,他們常舉辦“瘋狂茶會”。Trio可以用來指“三人小組”或者“三件一套、三重唱”。

8. hound:獵犬。



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