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CNEA Expo 2012

This event saw 100,000 visitors and 116 Top 500 companies and foreign trade amounting to $763 million and domestic trade to 2.07-billion yuan.

CNEA Expo 2011

About 50,000 visitors and 101 Top 500 Companies took part in this Expo, where foreign trade was worth $665-million and domestic trade worth 1.8-billion yuan.

CNEA Expo 2010

This saw around 50,000 visitors and 110 Top 500 companies and foreign trade amounting to $585 million and domestic trade, to 1.6-million yuan.

CNEA Expo 2009

This had around 50,000 visitors and 80 Top 500 companies taking part, and saw foreign trade worth $520-million and domestic trade worth 1.4-billion yuan.

CNEA Expo 2008

About 50,000 visitors and 62 World Top 500 companies attended this Expo, where foreign trade amounted to $475-million and domestic trade, 1.31-billion yuan.

CNEA Expo 2007

This event attracted around 50,000 visitors and 81 Top 500 companies, with foreign trade volume amounting to $410 million and domestic trade, 1.27-billion yuan.

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