容易實現的目標 low-hanging fruit
[ 2009-03-27 14:55 ]
上大學的時候,校園里有好多柿子樹。到了秋天,火紅的柿子掛滿樹枝,甚是惹眼。不過,通常都是在一兩天之內,靠近地面的樹枝上的柿子就會不見了蹤影,只剩下高處的一些還像燈籠一樣掛在那里。那些靠近地面的樹枝上的柿子在英語里叫做low-hanging fruit,它們會成為人們最先下手的目標,所以在生活中也喻指“容易實現的目標”。
We have Mother Nature to thank for the expression low-hanging fruit. A fruit-bearing tree often contains some branches low enough for animals and humans to reach without much effort. The fruit contained on these lower branches may not be as ripe or attractive as the fruit on higher limbs, but it is usually more abundant and easier to harvest. From this we get the popular expression "low-hanging fruit", which generally means selecting the easiest targets with the least amount of effort.
我們要感謝大自然母親為我們創造了low-hanging fruit這個表達。果樹上總有一些樹枝是動物和人類不用費勁就能夠到的。掛在這些樹枝上的果實或許沒有高在枝頭的那些果實那么誘人或成熟,但它們數量多而且更容易摘取。從這一事實便可以引出這個廣泛使用的表達low-hanging fruit,通常指選擇用最少的精力就能輕易實現的目標。
例如:All these ideas are “low-hanging fruit” and something most organizations could quite easily have a go at.
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(英語點津 Helen 編輯)