Churchgoers celebrate Mass via television. Congressional candidates campaign with real-time speeches on the Web. A magazine promises Internet tours through the real Mexico - the one with open museums and pyramids. And rock bands plan online concerts.
The H1N1 epidemic is creating a virtual Mexico.
With school canceled nationwide and many parents forbidding their kids to party, teenagers are logging a lot more time chatting on Facebook, Twittering and downloading music and movies from the Internet. So are many adults, especially after most business and government offices in Mexico City shut down on Friday for five days.
Two rock bands are making a go at reaching shut-in fans, announcing a virtual concert for today. Los Estramboticos, a Mexico City group, and Pastilla, a Latino band from the United States, will perform in a studio and broadcast it online. At least they can get exposure while Mexico's ban on concerts lasts.
But boredom was still not enough to lure many Mexican City residents from their homes on Sunday, 10 days into a flu outbreak that killed at least 22 people and sickened more than 560 in the country, most of them in the capital region.
Normally packed churches were all but empty. Priests in surgical masks offered Mass before a handful of faithful - also wearing masks. Cardinal Norberto Rivera held a televized service from the Metropolitan Cathedral for those staying home.
Sunday also marked the official start of campaigning for the July 5 congressional elections - but the government urged candidates not to hold rallies where the virus could spread. So candidates turned to the Internet to reach a population afraid to join screaming crowds, shake hands or hold out babies for kisses.
(Agencies) |
經常去教堂做禮拜的人現在跟著電視做彌撒,議會候選人通過網絡發表實時演講來競選,一家雜志許諾通過以開放博物館和金字塔而著稱的the real Mexico網站推出墨西哥網絡游,搖滾樂隊也在策劃網絡演唱會。
兩個搖滾樂隊則試圖博得宅在家中的粉絲們的青睞,他們宣布將于今天舉辦一場網絡演唱會。墨西哥城的Los Estramboticos樂隊和美國的Pastilla拉丁樂隊將在演播室中進行演唱,并通過網絡播出。至少在墨西哥禁止舉辦音樂會的這段時間,他們還能露面。
墨西哥豬流感+地震 禍不單行
(實習生許雅寧 英語點津姍姍編輯)