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The Simpsons movie《辛普森一家》精講之五
[ 2008-01-30 16:42 ]


文化面面觀  環(huán)保衛(wèi)士 Lisa Simpson

考考你   一展身手





Lisa: We are at the tipping point, people. If we don't do something now, I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought. Isn't he dreamy?

Man: Agreed.

Lisa: Okay, so here's the bottom line: If we don't change our ways right now, pollution in Lake Springfield will be at this level.

Audience: That's not so bad.

Lisa: No, the lift is stuck. Am I getting through to anyone?

Audience: Hell, yeah. We need a new one of those things.

Man: All in favor of a new scissor lift, say ''aye. ''

Audience: Aye.

Lisa: No! This lake is just one piece of trash away from a toxic nightmare. But I knew you wouldn't listen. So I took the liberty of pouring water from the lake in all your drinking glasses.

Audience: This is why we should hate kids.

Man: This is serious, people. No more dumping in the lake. I hereby declare a state of emergency. Code black.

Man: Black? That's the worst color there is. No offense there, Carl.

Carl: I get it all the time.


1. Tipping point

The point in time in which a technology, procedure, service or philosophy has reached critical mass and becomes mainstream. 我們可以把它解釋為“臨界點(diǎn)”。

2. Train of thought

你是不是有過(guò)被打斷思路的感覺(jué)呢?這個(gè)“思路”就是“train of thought”,例如:You've interrupted my train of thought; now what was I saying? 你打斷了我的思路,我剛說(shuō)到哪兒了?

3. Bottom line

Bottom line 本來(lái)指“賬本上的底線,盈虧一覽結(jié)算線,在財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表中用此線標(biāo)明凈收益或凈損失”,這里被引申為“要點(diǎn)或關(guān)鍵之處”,例如:A lot can happen between now and December, but the bottom line—for now—is that the city is still heading toward default. 從現(xiàn)在到十二月份會(huì)發(fā)生很多變化,但是現(xiàn)在的實(shí)質(zhì)問(wèn)題是,這個(gè)城市還是不準(zhǔn)備參賽。

4. In favor of

這里的意思是“In support of; approving支持;贊同”,例如:We are in favor of her promotion to president. 我們贊成提升她為總裁。

5. Code black



影片對(duì)白  This lake is just one piece of trash away from a toxic nightmare.

文化面面觀  環(huán)保衛(wèi)士 Lisa Simpson

考考你   一展身手

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