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澳洲推出茱麗-皮特郵票 面額50分
[ 2007-08-07 16:14 ]

時隔一年,公眾仍對這張“全家?!闭沼∠笾辽睿掌校布惸取ぼ稃悅扰P、低頭凝望身旁熟睡的嬰兒,男友皮特則從相反方向微笑注視著…… 當年,大名鼎鼎的PeopleHello雜志競相以高價購買了該照片的獨家發行權。

如今,這張轟動一時的照片又登上了澳洲著名雜志New Idea的封面。更讓朱莉-皮特迷欣慰的是,澳洲郵政將以該期New Idea封面為摹本,制成“50分”面額的郵票作為紀念。 

Pitt and Jolie featured on the cover of a recent edition of New Idea, the magazine, which received top awards at the 10th Annual Magazine of the Year Awards this week.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are all set to feature on an Australia Post stamp.

The Hollywood A-List couple will join the likes of the Queen, the Pope and the nation's sporting heroes by being immortalised in a fifty-cent stamp, issued by Australia Post.

Pitt and Jolie featured on the cover of a recent edition of New Idea, the magazine, which received top awards at the 10th Annual Magazine of the Year Awards this week.

Australia Post, which is a major sponsor of the awards, has decided to replicate the New Idea cover onto a 50c stamp.

The picture to be placed on the stamp includes Pitt and Jolie along with their daughter Shiloh.

A spokesperson from New Idea said that Australia would become the first country to feature Brad and Angelina on a stamp.

"I dont know of any other country in the world that has ever had Brad and Angelina on a stamp," the AAP quoted the New Idea spokesman, as saying.

"Whatever the case, these stamps are sure to become instantly collectable and be sought after byphilatelistsaround the country," the spokesman added.





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