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Liangjiang logistics company wins international award

Updated: 2021-12-17


Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co, a third-party logistics provider based in the Liangjiang New Area – located in Southwest China's Chongqing municipality – was recently the recipient of a prestigious international award.

The company reportedly won an Award of Excellence for Outstanding Human Performance Intervention from the US-headquartered International Society for Performance Improvement, or ISPI.

ISPI, which is based in Maryland and has members in 53 countries, is a non-profit association for performance improvement professionals – dedicated to improving individual, organizational and societal functioning, productivity and accomplishment in the workplace.

The company was recognized for its performance improvement practices: efficiency improvement and cost savings of 8 million yuan ($1.25 million) at its Yubei factory.

The practices highlight an automatic logistics process for auto components. Changan Minsheng's Yubei factory has been equipped with automated guided vehicles, or AGVs.

These can check the numbers of auto components with video scanning technology, carry components to self-driving vehicles, transport them to the engine factory and then transfer them to the production line with self-driving trailers.

It is estimated that the replacement with self-driving delivery vehicles of conventional vehicles can help improve delivery efficiency by 30 percent.

It is the first time the company has won the highest award in the field of global performance improvements, reportedly marking a milestone for its performance improvement efforts.

Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co has built the first unmanned auto warehouse in Asia, with an area of 6,500 square meters. Over 60 AGVs are now in use, carrying 20,000 boxes of auto components daily.

Moving forwards, plans are for the company to continue to focus on its business and train staff to support its performance improvements, transformation and quality development.

ISPI is a professional organization specialized in performance improvement research and the ISPI Awards of Excellence Program for Outstanding Human Performance Intervention is an annual event. It showcases the people, products, innovations and organizations that represent excellence in the field of performance improvement, with the criteria based on 10 areas.


UK trade commissioner for China praised Chongqing as a burgeoning center in intelligent manufacturing.


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