人格權保護(rén'géquán bǎohù): Protection of the right to dignity
In the report he delivered at the opening session of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Oct 18, General Secretary Xi Jinping said that the development of a crime prevention and control system will be accelerated to combat and punish, in accordance with law, all illegal and criminal activities, such as pornography, gambling, drug abuse, gang violence, kidnapping and fraud, and to protect people's personal rights, property rights and right to dignity.
土地承包權(tǔdì chéngbāoquán): Land contract rights
A draft revision of the Rural Land Contract Law was recently submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, for review.
法治中國(fǎzhì zhōngguó):Rule of law in China
In the report he delivered to the opening session of the Communist Party of China's 19th National Congress on Oct 18, General Secretary Xi Jinping said that a central leading group for advancing law-based governance in all areas will be set up to exercise unified leadership over efforts to establish rule of law in China.
律師調解試點(lǜshī tiáojiě shìdiǎn):Lawyer mediation pilot program
The Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Justice have jointly issued a document launching a pilot mediation program in 11 provinces and cities including Beijing and Shanghai.
刑事案件律師辯護全覆蓋(xíngshìànjiàn lǜshī biànhù quánfùgài):Lawyers for the defense in all criminal cases
Lawyers for the defense in all criminal cases
“老賴”曝光平臺(lǎolài bàoguāng píngtái):"Deadbeat" exposure platform
The Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Supreme People's Court and China Banking Regulatory Commission have jointly announced that a "deadbeat" exposure platform will be established to oversee people who have failed to fulfill court orders
環保稅法(huánbǎoshuì fǎ): Environmental Protection Tax Law
The Environmental Protection Tax Law will come into effect on Jan 1, 2018, as a separate tax law aimed at promoting the construction of ecological civilization. With the implementation of the Environmental Protection Tax Law, the pollution charge mechanism introduced in China nearly four decades ago will become history.
互聯網群組實名制(hùliánwǎng qúnzǔ shímíngzhì): Real name registration of internet group
The Cyberspace Administration of China recently issued a document on the regulation of internet group information service, which stipulates the founder or organizer of an internet group is responsible for its management.