
China, Turkey to increase judicial cooperation

(english.court.gov.cn) Updated : 2018-11-19

China and Turkey will seek more judicial cooperation, according to a meeting between Zhou Qiang, chief justice and president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC) and Abdulhamit Gül, minister of justice of Turkey, on Nov 14.

Zhou welcomed the Turkish delegation led by Gül and said the two countries have enjoyed sound judicial cooperation in the past few years and the visit will promote China-Turkey relationship.

Zhou explained China's judicial reform and said the construction and optimization of the legal system is highly valued in China.

Chinese courts will deepen the reform of the criminal lawsuit adjudication system and promote the judicial openness in a comprehensive way. Meanwhile, building professional and normalized teams of judges is also an important goal.

He added that information technologies have been adopted by China courts.

For instance, intelligent courts relying on big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence have been used in the trial system, which improves efficiency and accuracy of adjudication.

Zhou said that Chinese courts are willing to exchange and cooperate with judicial departments of other countries and said he wished more judicial communications in legal culture, case studies and personnel training could be held to promote the two nations' judicial work.

Gül explained Turkey's judicial reform and showed his willingness to keep close connection with the SPC and launch practical judicial cooperation.

China, Turkey to increase judicial cooperation
Zhou Qiang (R), chief justice and president of the SPC welcomes Abdulhamit Gül, Minister of Justice of Turkey at the SPC on Nov 14. [Photo/court.gov.cn]