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Diplomats in Beijing talk about two sessions - Indonesia


Updated: 2015-03-13 17:04:18


Diplomats in Beijing talk about two sessions - Indonesia

Soegeng Rahardjo, ambassador of Indonesia to China.[Provided to english.gov.cn]

On the Chinese government work report

We see that the Government Work Report is very comprehensive and very detailed. China has been an important part of the global economy, while at the same time, the Chinese Government has to answer to the needs of its people.

We welcome Premier Li’s speech, especially the pledge to speed up the “go global” strategy. Indonesia has good trade relations with China and is becoming an important destination for investment from China. Naturally, Indonesia would like to expand these relations and — also in line with China’s target in 2015 — create a balanced trade between Indonesia and China.

We understand that China needs to adjust its economic model to maintain long-term growth and reach its goals in 2020 and 2049. In this regard, Indonesia welcomes China’s predicted 7 percent growth and other targets as a new normal situation. We want trade, investment and other economic relations between our two countries to steadily grow in the long term. Therefore, Indonesia — and also the world — needs to adjust itself with China’s new normal situation.

In terms of foreign policy, we appreciate Premier Li’s explanation about China’s foreign policy outlook in 2015. China, without any doubt, is a global major power and we expect China to play bigger role in promoting peace, stability and prosperity. We also welcome China’s intentions to play an enhanced part in a global and regional frameworks of cooperation.

On the 2014 performances

Despite China’s lower than average economic growth, Indonesia congratulates the Chinese Government for its economic performance in 2014. To be able to feed 1.35 billion people, enhance infrastructure in all parts of the country, maintain social harmony, and fulfill its vast international commitments is a worthy achievement.

On the 2015 plan

I expect to see a more cautious, prudent economic growth. I expect to see stronger emphasis on laws and regulations. I expect to see more of China’s effort in international and regional cooperation. Aside from that, I am also keen to see China advance its technology.

All the targets announced by Premier Li Keqiang are within the reach of the Chinese people. Looking at what China has accomplished so far, I am quite certain that China will meet its target in 2015.

I hope to see early realization of the One Belt, One Road initiatives, along with the operations of financial institutions that support this initiative. Indonesia is looking forward to working with China to concretize the 21st Maritime Silk Road initiative, particularly because Indonesia is also keen to develop maritime connectivity both along the waterways connecting Indonesia’s 17.000 islands as well as in the region.

-- Soegeng Rahardjo,

ambassador of Indonesia to China