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National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre in NE China


Schools in Jilin province held some memorial services for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, on Sunday, Dec 13.

At least 100 students of the Air Force Aviation University paid a visit to the Manchu State Imperial Palace Museum in Changchun to learn more about the general history of Japan's 14-year-invasion during WWII of northeastern China (1931-1945), and the anti-Japanese struggle and movements of the northeast Anti-Japanese united forces.

500 Changchun experimental high school students joined memorial, including a flag-raising ceremony and read a Peace Declaration that emphasized the importance of peace and development, and a determination to build a stronger China.

This annual national memorial Day started on Dec 13 of last year to remember the Nanjing Massacre of local people who were killed by Japanese invaders, on Dec 13, 1937.

