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NE China pushing innovation


The city of Changchun, capital of Jilin province, called a meeting to describe the latest plans for its high-tech industrial development zone, on March 9, and introduced how it is emphasizing projects and technology applications.

Sun Yaming, the deputy mayor, told the gathering, "We need to follow up on our investors and get their projects running as soon as possible and we need to pay special attention to technology and industrial applications by cooperating with institutions here and abroad and work to build a leading high-tech park."

NE China pushing innovation

Sun Yaming, Changchun deputy major chairing the meeting, in Changchun, on March 9.[Photo by Ding Luyang/China Daily]

The park took up more than a half of the city’s revenues in 2014 and has become a provincial super pilot zone that connects the cities of Changchun and Jilin, with the focus on manufacturing, agriculture and the service sector.

