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Wuhan promotes Mulan as tourist destination during intl fashion week


Updated: 2013-11-29

Huangpi Mulan, one of the major tourist sites in Wuhan, attracted much attention at its booth during the 2013 Wuhan International Fashion Week, which kicked off on Nov 21 at the Wuhan International Expo Center in Hubei province.

Xu Qinglin, deputy director of the commerce and tourism bureau of Huangpi district, attended the event, and said that the authorities regard it as an opportunity to increase awareness, both at home and abroad, about Huangpi as a travel destination. Tourism has become Huangpi’s pillar industry, and it is aiming to achieve its transition from an agricultural district to a tourist district.

Local officials hope that Huangpi will be classified as a national 5A tourist attraction, and they see the event as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with the local and national tourism industry, and to promote the district’s tourist itinerary which includes four scenic spots.

More than 10 million visitors travelled to Huangpi in the first eleven months of the year, and tourism revenue is expected to exceed 3 billion yuan ($492.61 million).

Edited by Niva Whyman