


NJ Project succeeds in interception

Updated: 2011-10-16

NJ Project succeeds in interception

Interception ceremony

NJ Project succeeds in interception

Construction site

NJ Project succeeds in interception

CGGC spokesman receives reporter interview

On Oct 15, the NJ Project undertaken by CGGC in Pakistan succeeded in interception, marking that the largest foreign hydropower project undertaken by a Chinese contractor was ready for its main body construction.

Sardar Nawarz, secretary-general to the President of Pakistan, Muhammad Zubair, CEO of Water and Power Development Authority of Pakistan (WAPDA), NJ Project Director Christian and CGGC spokesman Deng Yinqi attended the ceremony and shared the historical moment together with 300 constructor representatives and foreign friends. The interception was also covered by Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, CCTV, CRI and multiple Pakistani media.

Deng Yinqi said at the ceremony that, NJ Project was a symbol of Sino-Pakistan friendship and played a significant role in improving Pakistan’s power supply. CGGC as the leading hydropower force of China considered the project a great honor to satisfy the hope of Pakistani people, and would continuously make efforts to ensure a safe, quality and faster construction and put it into operation as soon as possible.

In their speeches, Sardar Nawarz, Muhammad Zubair and Christian highly recognized CGGC’s excellent management and construction and considered CGGC a reliable friend and partner.

The NJ Project is the largest hydropower project in Pakistan. Located in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the station in diversion type has a long tunnel and is equipped with four generator units with a total installed capacity of 963000KW. Once delivered, the hydropower station will greatly improve power supply of the country. CGGC in 2007 became the constructor and according to its plan, the first generator unit will be put into operation in 2016.


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