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An Analysis of the Development of Service Industry in Guizhou Province and Policy Options(No.76, 2017)


By Lai Youwei, General Office, DRC

Research report No.76, 2017 (Total 5151) 2017-7-7

Abstract: Since 2016, Guizhou Province has taken the major strategy in promoting big data-based poverty relief. It has fully implemented the projects of reform and innovation of the modern service industry, the project to enable rural areas and farmers to become rich, the cultivation of market players and quality improvement. Guizhou Province has made efforts to accelerate construction of major projects to ensure faster development of key industries especially the service industry. The service industry of Guizhou Province has shown a favorable development trend of steady progress with promising prospect and continued rapid growth. The emerging industries and new business forms have developed prosperously. However, there are some problems and challenges in the development of the service industry to be addressed. For instance, the industrial management system needs to be perfected, the supply-side structural reform of service industry needs to be deepened, the issue of gaining access to loans and having to pay high interest to secure loans has not yet been effectively resolved, and the opening level of service industry is rather low. It is suggested that Guizhou Province should continue to promote the reform of streamlining administration, delegating powers to lower levels, strengthening regulation, and optimizing services. For the service industry, Guizhou Province needs to flesh out the industrial management system, further advance the supply-side structural reform, relax the access of service industry to the outside world and optimize its development environment so as to promote the sound and sustainable development of service industry.

Key words: service industry, supply-side structural reform, reform of streamlining administration, delegating powers to lower levels, strengthening regulation and optimizing services