[ 2009-05-22 11:30 ]
本次活動由位于英皇十字區(qū)的Kings Place文化會議中心牽頭。
身為活躍Twitter用戶的大野洋子和杰基?凱女士將一起選出三個最佳作品。獲獎者將得到兩個免費參加由Kings Place主辦的 “周一詩會”的名額,直至今年年底為止。
大家可以登錄facebook,加入“ 英皇十字區(qū)英國仲夏俳句比賽“小組了解活動的最新進展。
Yoko Ono to judge Twitter haiku competition
The competition begins on Monday, May 18 and runs until Friday, May 22. Commuters arriving into Kings Cross are invited to submit three line haiku-style poems on the subject of the British summer from their mobile phones using Twitter. To submit haikus, commuters have to place the prefix kingsplace so their entries will be picked up by the Kings Place Twitter account. The best contributions are then moderated and appear within minutes on the largest digital billboard at the station.
The initiative has been launched by Kings Place, a cultural and conference centre, situated in Kings Cross.
Three winning haikus will be selected by Ms Ono, herself an avid Twitterer, and Ms Kay at the close of competition. Winners gain free entry for themselves and a friend to the ‘Words on Monday’ weekly poetry event at Kings Place for the remainder of the year.
The competition can also be followed on Facebook through the group: “Kings Cross Great British Summer Haiku Competition”.