精彩對白 Departmental policy is what I say it is. Now, I'm ordering you to get your ass back here with that kid, you got that? You don't talk to anybody and you bring me that kid.
11 Years Will Smith Jada Pinkett Smith — December 31, 1997
Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Will: "Families are like a business. The key is one person having a vision of what it needs to be and being able to pull everyone together. That's Jada for sure."
12 Years Faith Hill and Tim McGraw — October 6 1996
Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Faith Hill: "You can't sit back. My husband and I have made the choice that our marriage is the most important thing to us. We respect what we have and understand how we need to feed it."
17 Years Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw — October 12 1991
Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Steven Spielberg: "I’ve stayed in my marriage this long because I never disagree with my wife. Whatever she says is the right choice."
20 Years Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson — April 30 ,1988
Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Rita Wilson: "We always make each other laugh, have honest communication, and I never take him for granted."
20 Years Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick — September 4, 1988
Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Kyra Sedgwick: He continues to be unfailingly supportive in every way. There has never been a moment of "You get to go out there and work, and I'm here at home." Never a moment. We're married 20 years, and I still find new things about him。
54 Years Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens — May 29, 1954
Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Kirk: "Her vicious sense of humor. The surprise birthday party she threw for me that year in Paris when she invited every girl I'd gone out with there." (來源:新浪教育)
1. 他知道他有了麻煩,于是就編造這種蠢話。
2. 恕我冒昧,可我不這么想,你又沒見到他。
3. 這孩子,他都快給嚇瘋了。
4. 簽了它,明天一早你就可以離開。
Changeling 《換子疑云》精講之四參考答案:
1. The more you try to act sane, the crazier you start to look.
2. You've given this a lot of thought.
3. Everybody knows women are fragile.
4. Then once they get us in here, we either shut up and we learn to behave.
精彩對白 Departmental policy is what I say it is. Now, I'm ordering you to get your ass back here with that kid, you got that? You don't talk to anybody and you bring me that kid.