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發言人表示,對于美方7月6日加征關稅措施,中方不得不做出必要反擊。中方在研究對美征稅反制產品清單過程中,已充分考慮了進口產品的替代性(the substitutability of the imported products),以及對于貿易投資的整體影響。同時,我們將研究采取以下措施:
Continuously evaluate the impacts on different kinds of companies.
The new tax income from the countermeasures will be mainly used to relieve the impacts on companies and their employees.
Encourage companies to adjust import structure, and increase the imports of agricultural products such as soybeans and soybean meal, aquatic products, and automobiles from other countries and regions.
Step up the implementation of the guidelines released by the State Council on June 15 on making active and effective use of foreign investment and promoting high-quality economic development to reinforce the protection of corporate interests and create a better investment environment.
一是優化進口結構促進生產消費升級(optimize the structure of imports to support upgrading production and consumption)。
二是優化國際市場布局(optimize the layout of its international market)。
三是積極發揮多渠道促進作用(actively explore multiple channels to boost imports)。
四是改善貿易自由化便利化條件(improve the environment for trade liberalization and facilitation)。
反傾銷 anti-dumping
反補貼 anti-subsidy
貿易便利化 trade facilitation
貿易自由化 trade liberalization
外匯市場 forex market
市場情緒 market sentiment
羊群效應 herd effects
扭曲市場供需 distort market demand and supply
浮動匯率體系 floating exchange rate system
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)
上一篇 : 商務部新聞發言人就美國對340億美元中國產品加征關稅發表談話
下一篇 :
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