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Little Miss Sunshine《陽光小美女》(精講之四)
[ 2007-05-28 18:16 ]

文化面面觀  Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 尼采

思想火花  全家人終于決定一起陪Olive 去參加比賽……

考考你  乘熱打鐵


Richard: All right, I'll drive the bus.

Sheryl: Richard, I was told explicitly not to leave Frank by himself. No offense, Frank.

Frank: None taken.

Richard: We're talking about it. You got Dwayne here. They can look after each other.

Sheryl: No, Richard! That's asking too much. I mean, if something happened-

Richard: We can't go, then, unless Dwayne and Frank go with us.

Olive: Mom, where's my bathing suit?

Frank: Right.

Sheryl: Frank?

Olive: I found it!

Frank: Okay.

Olive: I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!

Sheryl: Oh, Dwayne, come on, please. Think of your sister.

Richard: Come on, Dwayne. It'll be a lot of fun. You can go to the beach -

Dwayne: (writing) This is unfair. All I ask is that you leave me alone.

Sheryl: Dwayne, flight school. I will give you permission for flight school.

Olive: I won! I won! I won! I'm gonna win this one too!

Dwayne: (writing) But I'm not going to have any fun.

Frank: Yeah, we're all with you on that one, Dwayne.

Olive: Grandpa! Grandpa! Is Grandpa coming to California?

Sheryl: We're all coming, honey.

Richard: Hey, uh, hold on. Olive, come over here for a second. Come here. Sit down for a second. Look, there's no sense in entering a contest if you don't think you're gonna win. So do you think you can win Little Miss Sunshine?

Sheryl: Richard-

Richard: Are you gonna win?

Olive: Yes!

Richard: We're going to California.

Frank: Good night, Dwayne.

Dwayne: (writing) Please don't kill yourself tonight.

Frank: Not on your watch. I wouldn't do that to you.

Dwayne: (writing) Welcome to hell.

Frank: Thank you, Dwayne. Coming from you, that means a lot. Good night.


1. No offense

意思是"不是故意要冒犯你",當你要提起某件對當事人來說有冒犯意味的事情時,最好要先說"no offense",或是"not to offend you",相當于事先道歉。我們在電影《哈利·波特與密室》中還見到過這樣的說法:Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom.

2. Hold on

我們學過的hold on的意思有"堅持,抓緊",;例如:
Hold on to your hat in this wind.
The early Christians held on to their beliefs despite strong opposition.
Please hold on for a while longer.
Hold on 還可以表達打電話時要對方"等一下,不要掛斷電話",例如:If you can hold on a minute I'll go and find her.

在這個片段中,hold on 表示的是"等一下"的意思,相當于我們在《哈利·波特與密室》(精講之一)中講過的 hang on。

3. On one's watch

這里watch 的意思是"守護,注意"的意思,on your watch 就是"在你的守護下"。Watch 做動詞時也可以用來表示同樣的意思,例如:
Who's watching the children while the parents are on vacation?

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