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想要一匹馬: Pony
[ 2006-09-14 18:06 ]

本網小評:“Pony”出自Kasey Chambers第三張專輯“Wayward angel”(《任性天使》)。在這張專輯里,一度走在鄉村樂和搖滾樂交接點的kasey,音樂路逐漸拓寬并呈多元化趨勢。專輯中,高音危危欲墜的“荊棘鳥”不見了,Kasey開始朝舒緩和流行化發展,而她對節奏、對鼓點的把握似乎也比以前沉穩許多。


 詳解 澳洲荊棘鳥Kasey Chambers:On a bad day


When I grow up I want a pony
I'm gonna ride her from dust til dawn
I'm gonna brush her mane


And feed her sugar cane
And keep her in safe from the storm

If I had a pony
I wonder could I be your girl

When I grow up I want a baby
I'm gonna name it after Ralph Stanley
And I sure won't mind if it cries all night
Just as long as it looks like me

If I had a baby
I wonder could I be your girl

Yodelay he yodeloh oh
You rock my world
Yodelay he yodeloh
When I grow up I wanna be your girl

When I grow up I want a cowboy
With dust all over his jeans
With a horse named Jack
And a ten-gallon hat
He is nice but looks so mean

If you were a cowboy
I wonder could I be your girl

ten-gallon hat

Yodelay he yodeloh oh
You rock my world
Yodelay he yodeloh
When I grow up I wanna be your girl

When I grow up I'll be a lady
All my rings will be made of gold
I'll put flowers in my room
I'll wear perfume
I won't listen to rock n roll

If I was a lady
I wonder could I be your girl

Yodelay he yodeloh oh
You rock my world
Yodelay he yodeloh
When I grow up I wanna be your girl

When I grow up I want a pony
When I grow up I want a baby
When I grow up I want a cowboy
When I grow up I'll be a lady

  Words and phrases

1. mane : 馬鬃

2. Ralph Stanley: 可能指著名鄉村音樂人拉爾夫·斯坦利,他被認為是“藍草樂”的功臣,曾獲44屆格萊美獎。Kasey Chambers的這張專輯凸顯出很多“蘭草”元素。

3. ten-gallon hat: 高頂寬沿氈帽,被認為是牛仔形象的象征

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