怎樣寫日常訂貨信 [ 2006-07-19 09:05 ]
訂貨(order)是買方為要求賣方供應具體數量的貨物而提出的一種要求。此時,交易雙方之間的陌生感已消除,可以說已經度過了接觸障礙和難關。 寫定貨信時應注意以下幾點:
(1)開頭就直接說明訂購的意圖。常用的句式有 Please ship..., Please send..., We would like to
order..., We would like to purchase..., 等等,明確說明你要購買。
(2)訂貨信應包括你要購買的商品的詳細情況, 包括商品的名稱、品質、數量、包裝、價格條件、支付條件、裝運方式以及需要對方提供的單據等。
下面是一篇日常訂貨信的例文,請大家體會一下。 Dear Sirs
Please send us your Milky White Chocolate Mints, 12-ounce packages, 24 packs
per case, catalog No. 15c-123, at the price of US$10.59 per case and fifteen
cases of Milky White Chocolate Bars, 6-ounce bars, 24 bars per case, catalog No.
18c-256, at the price of US$15.89 per case.
Please mail these items by air freight as we need them by 20th August and
charge the amount to our Account No. 018325585.
If it is convenient, please include with the delivery a few samples of your
new chocolates products, as you did with the past three years' orders. The
samples help convince our customers to buy your delicious products.
Yours faithfully
(例文來源:國際商務寫作教程 對外經濟貿易大學出版社 英語點津 Annabel 編輯)