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A day in the life
[ 2006-03-18 14:13 ]

  本網小評1967年1月17日,列儂在《每日郵報》上看到他的朋友Tara Browne(塔拉·布朗尼)――愛爾蘭著名釀酒商Guinness的后代――的死訊后,創作了這首歌曲,但整首歌并沒有寄托哀思,這或許就是理解此支曲子的突破口。 在歌中,列儂羅列了一天中的四個事件。首先,他告訴大家……


A day in the life By John Lennon

I read a news today, oh boy,
About a lucky man who made the grade ,
And though the news was rather sad,
Well, I just had to laugh.

I saw the photograph.
He blew his mind out in a car,
He didn't notice that the lights have changed,
A crowd of people stood and stared,
They've seen his face before,
Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords .

I saw a film today, oh boy,
The English army had just won the war,
A crowd of people turned away,
But I just had a look,
Having read a book, I'd like to turn you on ...

Woke up, fell out of bed,
dragged a comb across my head,
found my way downstairs and drank a cup ,
and looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my head,
made the bus in seconds flat,
found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
and somebody spoke and I went into a dream.

I read a news today, oh boy,
four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire ,
and though the holes were rather small,
they had to count them all,
now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall ,
I'd love to turn you on.

 Words and Phrases

1. a lucky man who made the grade:一個成功的幸運兒。

2. He blew his mind out:喪失心智,神志不清,通常指喝藥后的狀態。 

3. the House of Lords:英國上議院,由皇室貴族組成。

4. Having read the book:剛讀過書,意思指自己對整個事情的真相已經明了。

5. turn you on:讓某人感興趣,通常指使對方嘗試"性"或"吸毒"方面的快感;正是由于這層隱諱的含意,英國BBC電臺認為《生命中的一天》在鼓勵人們吸毒,因而當時禁止播放這首歌曲。

6. drank a cup:喝一杯茶或是咖啡,英國可能主要是茶。

7. found my way upstairs:走到上面一層,英國有些公車有兩層,上層可以吸煙。

8. Blackburn Lancashire:位于英國西北部,據說這里是英國著名的鬧鬼勝地。

9. Albert Hall:指the Royal Albert Hall(皇家阿爾伯特大廳),是英國最大的音樂廳,成圓拱形,上下一共6層,滿座時可容納近萬人。


生命中的一天   約翰·列儂


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