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Manufacturers, Exporters, Wholesalers - Global trade starts here.
HSK website takes on a new look
Festive text messages become new tradition
Green light given to eco-friendly vehicles
Pets feeling the pains of cold weather
Winter swimming may be good for your health
Shoppers walk up aisle looking for partner
Visitors delighted by safari park's festivities
City dwellers expect pay rises
Fastest advanced metro starts service
Work begins on record-breaking greenhouse
Hopeless Romeo taken to cop shop
Putin's bodyguard to flex muscles in China
Literary sensation starts early
Youth want to snuggle with slimy reptiles
Spouse search a stretch for HK women
Chongqing gays to mark World AIDS Day
Tianjin elder draws on daily walks to make map
Xi'an cops take sign language classes
Eastern Han Dynasty tomb unearthed
Cold front causes mercury to plummet
Love for pandas inspires bicycle journey
Elderly man sets up library for village
Rule lets schools off the hook in accidents
Panda City name change gains momentum
Stressed teachers struggle to find voice
Mass dating event offers satisfaction for all
Buyers of big cars will pay more tax
Poll: 1 in 8 of young is Net addict
30% say OK to sex before marriage
Nude photos popular new wedding fun
US zoologist wants city name changed
Fat pets need less din-dins and more walkies
China kung fu temple switches on to reality TV
Elderly farmers woo judges with dance move
Pet biographies just part of funeral package
Singletons inspire intense dating competition
Man spends 3 days carving characters on rice
Boy creates a TV storm with a teacup
Heating starts in the North
Mental health findings make depressing reading
Hundreds of Chinese youth mark "Singles Festival"
Little princesses realize childhood dreams
Waitresses get harassment lessons from pro
Ancient newspapers go on show
Calligraphic art faces predicament
Women compete for free facelifts
Island pop music reaches new low
Bikers tour Asia for love of antelopes
Eligible men sell themselves for festival
Canadian vet flies in to treat pandas

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