
China / Society

New rules restrict public receptions for college

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-05-30 12:20

New rules restrict public receptions guidelines on public receptions for college officials were issued by the Ministry of Education on Thursday.

New rules restrict public receptions for college
Special: Bans of the year
New rules restrict public receptions for college

China inks regulation to ban official extravagance

The rules extend a stringent cap on reception banquets, stipulating that colleges can hold dinners only in school canteens.

Stricter standards on meetings have also been set, which instruct colleges to avoid holding off-campus meetings without good reason while official meetings at tourist attractions are banned. Schedules and details of meetings must be publicly displayed.

In order to control capital expenditure, hosting colleges are not allowed to give visitors money, souvenirs or local products. If foreign activities require the exchange of presents, students’ works can be given as gifts to visitors, with the permission of their creators.

Business trips sponsored by colleges should have clear plans and standards for duration and countries to be visited should be strictly controlled.

College officers who go abroad to take part in academic exchange activities should arrange trips during holidays and are not allowed to spend college funds.

Academic exchange tours that visit recreational destinations are banned under the new rules. Detailed information of academic exchange tours also should be made public.


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