Following his meeting with Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh on Sunday night, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said to reporters he has three goals for his first trip as premier: boost mutual trust, deepen?cooperation and look toward the future.
"China and India combine for more than one third of the world's population," said Li. "The China-India bilateral collaboration has great potential to boost global prosperity and development. I hope that the collaboration will become a new bright spot in bilateral?cooperation within Asia and create a new engine for the world economy. I have confidence in all the above."
Li said his meeting with Singh was friendly and straight-forward, and it even made him feel at home. He thought the meeting was fruitful, and hoped to achieve more during his two-day visit.
Li is scheduled to meet Singh again at noon on Monday, India time, and attend a deal-signing ceremony and meet with journalists. And later in the afternoon he will meet with Sushma Swaraj, the leader of India's main opposition, right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party, and Sonia Gandhi, leader of the main ruling party of India's Congress.