
Business / Hangzhou G20

Excerpts of the B20 policy recommendations to the G20

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-09-03 08:39

The B20 strongly encourages the G20 leaders to implement existing and new commitments, specifically, structural reforms to build an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive global economy and to ensure strong, sustainable and balanced growth. In addition, G20 members should:

Break a new path for global economic growth by:

? Implementing programs such as the SMART innovation initiative to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation

? Accelerating the pipeline of high-quality bankable projects and promoting the creation of financial instruments to facilitate infrastructure investment

? Enhancing the catalytic role of multilateral development banks and institutions in enabling investment in infrastructure by the private sector

? Facilitating the development of green financing and investment markets

? Stimulating financial inclusion by embracing digital technology innovation.

Develop more effective and efficient global economic and financial governance by:

? Optimizing global financial regulations to support growth

? Facilitating the access of small and medium-sized enterprises to bank financing and alternative funding

? Adopting consistent and aligned tax policies to drive inclusive growth

? Strengthening intergovernmental cooperation against corruption, and supporting the building of capacity for stronger anti-corruption compliance

? Promoting a more transparent environment for business in order to bolster competition

Encourage robust international trade and investment by:

? Strengthening the multilateral trading system and eliminating new protectionist measures while rolling back existing measures to enable trade growth

? Ratifying the Trade Facilitation Agreement by the end of 2016 and committing to its rapid implementation

? Endorsing the concept of the Electronic World Trade Platform to incubate cross-border electronic trade (e-trade) rules and aid e-trade development

? Developing coordinated capacity-building and certification programs to ease the inclusion of SMEs in global value chains

? Enhancing the global investment policy environment in order to boost investment

Promote inclusive and interconnected development by:

? Removing structural barriers to initiatives to increase youth employment and the participation of women in the labor force

? Enacting policies to assess and reduce skill mismatches and capability gaps in the workforce

? Lowering compliance costs and improving access to public procurement markets in order to support SME growth

? Enabling and promoting innovative technologies and best-practice asset management that support whole-project life-cycle productivity of infrastructure projects

? Strengthening or establishing national, regional and global initiatives to enhance infrastructure interconnectivity

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