Watch it again: Beyond labels - Gen Z explain who they are
The sixth episode of the China Daily series Youth Power will be broadcast online at 8 pm Beijing time on Tuesday, Nov 30.
For this episode, titled "Beyond labels: Gen Z explain who they are", we conducted a survey on Generation Zers in more than 40 countries and regions, including Britain, China, Egypt, France, Egypt, South Korea, Thailand and the United States. Ten representatives of Generation Z have been invited to take part in this episode. They'll discuss the results of the survey and at the same time have a bit of fun. Let's dispense with the labels and listen to what Generation Zers say about themselves!
Youth Power is organized by China Daily and is conceived with the interests and ideals of Generation Z in mind, aiming to build a platform for communication and exchange worldwide.
The stage is set, and we look forward to your attendance.